I am primarily trained as a playwright, but have become totally and utterly infatuated with puppets over the last year. There is something so satisfying about a puppets state of detachment while remaining intimately connected to the characters and narratives they help bring to life. That dichotomy has helped me explore my characters in deeper and richer ways. As I continue to explore writing centered around bodies and body image, puppetry has been a way to continue that expression with joy, creative energy, and silliness. I am not formally trained in puppetry. The majority of my puppet education (& inspiration) has come directly from On the Rocks Theater Company, Youtube, the Puppet Maker’s Facebook Group, and A Muppets Christmas Carol.

With my collaborator (and spouse!) Alex Bernui, I have been designing puppets and putting them onstage frequently within the last year. They are messy and imperfect - I love them so much.

Sarah & Alex make puppets!